Model Number
Digit 1 - Unit Model
C = Condenser
Digit 2 - Unit Type
C = Commercial
I = Industrial
Digit 3 - Condenser Medium
R = Remote
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
C = C
Digit 5, 6, 7 - Nominal Capacity
020 = 20 Tons
029 = 29 Tons
035 = 35 Tons
040 = 40 Tons
050 = 50 Tons
060 = 60 Tons
C C R C 020 4 A AO 1 A 0 0 T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Digit 8 - Unit Voltage
4 = 460 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
5 = 575 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
6 = 200 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
Digit 9 - Control Option
0 = No Low Ambient Damper, I-Pak.
A = No Low Ambient Damper, T-Stat.
B = Low Ambient, I-Pak.
C = Low Ambient, T-Stat.
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
AO = “A” Design Sequence
Digit 12 - Unit Finish
1 = Paint (Executive Beige)
2 = Protective Coating
3 = Protective Coating with
Finish Coat
Digit 13 - Coil Options
A = Non-Coated Aluminum
C = Protective Coating Aluminum
Digit 14 - Unit Isolators
0 = None
A = Spring Isolators
B = Isopads
Digit 15 - Panels
0 = None
1 = Louvered Panels
Digit 16 - Agency Listing
0 = None
U = With UL Listing
Remote Air-Cooled Condenser Model Number Description