a temporary manual override menu. See
Figure I-P-3.
This mode overrides any number of
programmed setpoints through any of
the 28 programmed periods. After
entering setpoints and length of override
time, these settings are now used.
Keypad Operation for Temporary Manual
Override Menu
The keypad has the same function in
temporary manual override menu as in
all other menus, with a few exceptions:
• Depressing the day button will toggle
your ZSM between the day and hour
icon. See Figure I-P-3 on page 65.
• Depressing the mode button will toggle
your ZSM between the heat and cool
icons and setpoints.
• Depressing the erase button will cancel
the override and return the ZSM to
normal run mode.
• Depressing the holdtemp or program
buttons while in the temporary manual
override menu will toggle your ZSM to
the temporary override mode. See
Figure I-P-4.
Note: Blank temperature settings may be
entered at any of the four daily periods.
When a setpoint is left blank and in an
occupied condition, the ZSM will default to
the last occupied setpoint. When a
setpoint is left blank and in an unoccupied
condition, the ZSM will default to the last
unoccupied setpoint.
Temporary Manual Override
While in normal run mode, depressing
the hold temp button toggles the ZSM to
the temporary manual override menu.
The mode will override any number of
programmed setpoints through any of
the 28 programmed periods. After
entering setpoints and length of override
time, these new settings are used in place
of the setpoints programmed for normal
run mode.
Time Button
• While in the program menu, each time
you press and release the positive or
negative side of the time button, the
time will advance or decrease by ten
minute increments. If you press and
hold the positive or negative side
(“minus” and “plus” keys), the ZSM
will increment rapidly.
• When the display is in the normal run
mode, each time you press and release
the positive or negative side of the time
button (“minus” and “plus” keys), the
time will advance or decrease by one
minute. If you press and hold the
positive or negative side (“minus” and
“plus” keys), the ZSM will increment
Note: Blank temperature settings may be
entered at any of the four daily periods.
When a setpoint is left blank and in an
occupied condition, the ZSM will default to
the last occupied setpoint.
Keypad Lockout
If you simultaneously depress and hold
both the positive and negative sides of
the “minus” and “plus” keys for four
seconds, the lock icon will appear and all
keypad functions will lock out. If you
repeat this operation, the lock icon will
disappear and all keypad functions will be
available again.
• Keypad lockout applies only to normal
run mode and temporary manual
override mode.
Day Button
• In normal run mode, depressing the day
button will move the current day ahead.
• While in the program menu, depressing
the day button will move you through
the seven days of the week and allow
you to program temperature settings
for each of the four daily periods.
Erase Button
• Pressing the erase button while in
normal run mode will turn off the check
filter icon.
• Pressing the erase button while in the
program menu, will erase all time and
temperature setpoints of a given
• The erase button will acknowledge the
failure buzzer (Option 16) until 12:00 am.
Mode Button
• BAYSENS019 only: Pressing the mode
button toggles through all modes: off,
heat, cool, auto, and emer (HP unit).
• BAYSENS020 only: Pressing the mode
button while in normal run mode, or
temporary manual override run mode,
will toggle through both modes, off and
Fan Button
• The fan button allows you to toggle
between on and auto.
Up and Down Button Arrows
• Depressing or ¯ arrow while in normal
run mode will cause your ZSM to toggle
to the temporary manual override
• Depressing either or ¯ arrow while in
the program menu or temporary
override menu will cause the
temperature setpoint to advance or
decrease in one degree increments.
• Depressing and holding either the or ¯
arrow will cause the temperature
setting to increment rapidly.
Simultaneously depressing the or ¯
arrow for two seconds while in the
program menu or temporary override
menu will toggle the ZSM between an
occupied and unoccupied condition.
Holdtemp Button
While in normal run mode, depressing
the hold temp button toggles the ZSM to
Figure I-P-4. Temporary Manual Override
Menu Screen.