Electrical Data
and Connections
Compressor Motor Electrical Data (60 Hertz)
Nominal Voltage 200 230 380 460 575
Compressor Voltage 180/ 208/ 342/ 414/ 516/
Code Utilization Range 220 254 418 506 633
Max kW 174 174 174 174 174
B1, B2 RLA @ Max kW 557 484 291 241 193
LRAY 970 818 488 400 329
LRAD 3103 2617 1561 1280 1053
Max kW 249 249 249 249 249
C1, C2 RLA @ Max kW 812 698 421 349 279
LRAY 1173 936 558 469 375
LRAD 3634 2901 1727 1453 1162
Max kW 329 329 329 329 329
D1, D2 RLA @ Max kW 1047 918 549 455 367
LRAY 1690 1532 850 730 612
LRAD 5477 4966 2755 2366 1984
1. See Selection Procedure Section for details.
2. The RLA @ Max kW is based on the performance of the motor developing full rated horsepower.
3. Electrical component sizing should be based on actual jobsite operating conditions. This factor can be obtained through the
use of the Series R chiller selection program available through local Trane sales offices.
Compressor Motor Electrical Data (50 Hertz)
Nominal Voltage 380 400 415
Compressor Voltage 342/ 360/ 374/
Code Utilization Range 418 440 457
Max kW 139 145 148
B1, B2 RLA @ Max kW 233 233 233
LRAY 391 412 428
LRAD 1229 1296 1348
Max kW 201 209 213
C1, C2 RLA @ Max kW 349 349 349
LRAY 456 480 498
LRAD 1414 1488 1544
Max kW 271 280 284
D1, D2, D3 RLA @ Max kW 455 455 455
LRAY 711 748 776
LRAD 2303 2424 2515
Max kW 288 301 306
E3 RLA @ Max kW 488 488 488
LRAY 711 748 776
LRAD 2303 2424 2515
1. See Selection Procedure Section for details.
2. The RLA @ Max kW is based on the performance of the motor developing full rated horsepower.
3. Electrical component sizing should be based on actual jobsite operating conditions. This factor can be obtained through the
use of the Series R chiller selection program available through local Trane sales offices.
Electrical Connections
Starter Panel Selection Lug Size
Connection RLA L1-L3 (Each Phase)
Terminals Only 000-760 (2) #4-500 MCM
761-935 (4) 4/0-500 MCM
Main Circuit 000-185 (1) #4-350 MCM
Breaker or 186-296 (2) 2/0-250 MCM
Non-Fused 297-444 (2) 3/0-350 MCM
Disconnect Switch 445-592 (2) #1-500 MCM
593-888 (4) 4/0-500 MCM
1. Lug sizes are independent of starter type.