Dual Filtration (GEH 1/2 to 5 ton)
The horizontal, GEH model, allows the
installer flexibility in design applica-
tions such as a dual filtration option.
With the dual filtration design, the unit
will contain a lower static which trans-
lates into a decrease in filter mainte-
nance. For installation of a dual
filtration accessory for the GEH mod-
el, verify that an extra set of return-air
filter racks and filter have been or-
dered from the factory. This accessory
will be shipped separate from the unit,
and should be located in a separate
box than the unit.
(1) Remove the return-air side panel
from the GEH unit. This panel is held
in place by six Torx head screws.
(2) Install the top/bottom filter rack at
the new opening. The 1"/2" (25.4/50.8
mm) adjustable filter rack is held in
place with four Torx head screws that
once held the panel.
(3) Install the 1"/2" (25.4/50.8 mm)
Return-Air Duct Panel
The return-air arrangement may be
easily converted from a free return-air
system, to a ducted return-air system
with the addition of a return-air side
panel on the GEH unit. By replacing
the filter racks with the return-air pan-
el, a complete seal from the ductwork
to the unit is possible. The 1 1/2" (38
mm) duct flange facilitates ease of
field hook-up to the mechanical
(1) Install the return-air duct panel to
the return-air opening with the six
Torx head screws provided for the fil-
ter rack assembly.
Table 3: Opening size and part number
Unit Size
60 HZ
Unit Size
50 HZ
Duct Collar
Part Number
006-015 006-012 17 1/2" (445) 13" (330) 4474 1133 0100
018-030 015-024 20 1/2" (521) 15" (381) 4474 1134 0100
036-042 030-036 22 1/2" (572) 17" (432) 4474 1135 0100
048-060 042-060 26 1/2" (673) 19" (483) 4474 1136 0100
The dual-filtration design is
typically used in a free-return
The ducted panel design is
typically used in combination
with a field installed ceiling
filter rack design.