Introducing Trane’s Model CVGF Centrifugal Water Chiller
The basic gear driven centrifugal water chiller design was introduced in 1976 and has been proven
in thousands of installations. Trane continues to deliver its reliability and energy fi tness commitment
on its newest line of gear-drive centrifugal water chillers, the Model CVGF. The major advantages of
the Model CVGF are:
• High reliability
• Low sound levels
• Compact size
• High effi ciency at a competitive market price
• Designed to use environmentally responsible HFC-134a refrigerant
The Model CVGF chiller is ideal for offi ce, hospital, school, hotel, retail store and industrial
buildings. TheTrane centrifugal chiller line offers hundreds of individual evaporator-condenser-
compressor combination selections, permitting precise tailoring of the machine capacity to
system requirements. Machine selections can be computer optimized to provide low fi rst cost,
low operating cost, or other criteria important for a particular selection. Centrifugal Water Chiller
computer selection program is certifi ed in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590. Trane Sales
Engineers are available to assist in selecting the optimum machine to satisfy the particular project
Turn to the Model CVGF for energy effi ciency provided by the two stage, gear drive centrifugal
water chillers with economizers. The Trane Model CVGF is your choice for energy fi t operation year
after year.
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