
Comm Loss: Suction
Circuit Normal Latch All Continual loss of communication between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second period.
Comm Loss: Compressor
Staging Relay
Circuit Normal Latch All Continual loss of communication between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second period.
Comm Loss: Heat/Cool
Chiller Normal Latch All Continual loss of communication between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second period.
Comm Loss: Condenser
Speed Signal
Chiller Normal Latch All Continual loss of communication between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second period.
Comm Loss: Electronic
Expansion Valve
Circuit Normal Latch All Continual loss of communication between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second period.
Table 7 - Main Processor - Boot Messages and Diagnostics
DynaView Display Message Description
Boot Software Part Numbers:
LS Flash
--> 6200-0318-XX
MS Flash
--> 6200-0319-XX
The "boot code" is the portion of the code that is resident in all MPs regardless of what application code (if any) is loaded. Its
main function is to run power up tests and provide a means for downloading application code via the MP's serial connection.
The Part numbers for the code are displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the DynaView during the early portion of the
power up sequence and during special programming and converter modes. See below.
Err2: RAM Pattern 1 Failure There were RAM errors detected in RAM Test Pattern #1. Recycle power, if the error persists, replace MP.
Err2: RAM Pattern 2 Failure There were RAM errors detected in RAM Test Pattern #2. Recycle power, if the error persists, replace MP.
RAM Addr Test #1 Failure
There were RAM errors detected in RAM Address Test #1. Recycle power, if error persists, replace MP.
RAM Addr Test #2 Failure
There were RAM errors detected in RAM Address Test #2. Recycle power, if the error persists, replace MP.
No Application Present
Please Load Application...
No Main Processor Application is present - There are no RAM Test Errors. Connect a TechView Service Tool to the MP's serial
port, provide chiller model number (configuration information) and download the configuration if prompted by TechView. Then
proceed to download the most recent application or specific version as recommended by Technical Service.
MP: Invalid Configuration MP has an invalid configuration based on the current software installed
MP Application Memory CRC
App software inside the MP failed its own checksum test. Possible causes: application software in the MP is not complete -
software download to the MP was not completed successfully - or MP hardware problem. Note: User should attempt to
reprogram the MP if this diagnostic occurs.
App Present. Running
Selftest.Selftest Passed
An application has been detected in the Main Processor's nonvolatile memory and the boot code is proceeding to run a check
on its entirety. 8 seconds later, the boot code had completed and passed the (CRC) test. Temporary display of this screen is
part of the normal power up sequence.
App Present. Running
SelftestErr3: CRC Failure
An application has been detected in Main Processor's nonvolatile memory and the boot code is proceeding to run a check on
its entirety. A few seconds later, the boot code had completed but failed the (CRC) test.
Connect a TechView Service Tool to the MP's serial port, provide chiller model number (configuration information) and
download the configuration if prompted by TechView. Then proceed to download the most recent application or specific
version as recommended by Technical Service. Note that this error display may also occur during the programming process, if
the MP never had a valid application any time prior to the download. If the problem persists, replace the MP.