Adjustable Frequency Drive Feedback to Network
The BACnet option provides several output variables (NVOs) to the network, containing important adjustable
frequency drive, motor and I/O feedback data. The BACnet option transmits bound network variables only and
sends feedback data when there is a change in value.
Influence of the digital input terminals upon the drive control mode, par.8-50
Coasting Select to par.8-56 Preset
Reference Select
The influence of the digital input terminals upon control of the adjustable frequency drive can be programmed
in par.8-50
Coasting Select to par.8-56 Preset Reference Select.
par.8-01 Control Site overrules the settings in
parameters 8-50 to 8-56
and Terminal 37, Safe Stop overrules any
Each of the digital input signals can be programmed to logic AND, logic OR, or to have no relation to the cor-
responding bit in the control word. In this way, a specific control command, i.e., stop / coast, can be initiated by
the serial communication bus only, serial communication bus AND Digital Input, or serial communication bus
OR digital input terminal.
In order to control the adjustable frequency drive via BACnet, par.8-50 Coasting Select must be set to either Bus [1],
or to Logic AND [2] and par.8-01
Control Site must be set to Digital and ctrl. word [0] or Controlword only [2].
More detailed information and examples of logical relationship options are provided in the
How to Control the Adjustable Frequency
TR200 BACnet 5-15