TL-WA730RE 150Mbps Wireless Range Extender User Guide
Figure 4-13 Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry
¾ MAC Address - Enter the wireless station's MAC address that you want to control.
¾ Description - Give a simple description of the wireless station.
¾ Status - Select a status for this entry, either Enabled or Disabled.
To set up an entry, follow these instructions:
First, you must decide whether the unspecified wireless stations can access the device or not. If
you desire that the unspecified wireless stations can access the device, please select the radio
button Allow the stations not specified by any enabled entries in the list to access, otherwise,
select the radio button Deny the stations not specified by any enabled entries in the list to
To add or modify a MAC Address Filtering entry, follow these instructions:
1. Enter the appropriate MAC Address into the MAC Address field. The format of the MAC
Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (X is any hexadecimal digit). For example:
2. Enter a simple description of the wireless station in the Description field. For example:
Wireless station A.
3. Select Enabled or Disabled for this entry on the Status pull-down list.
4. Click the Save button to save this entry.
To add additional entries, repeat steps 1-4.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
1. Click the Modify in the entry you want to modify. If you want to delete the entry, click the
2. Modify the information.
3. Click the Save button.
Click the Enable All button to make all entries enabled
Click the Disabled All button to make all entries disabled.
Click the Delete All button to delete all entries
Click the Next button to go to the next page and click the Previous button to return to the previous