T1/T1S User’s Manual
10. Troubleshooting
10.2 Self-diagnostic items
If an error is detected by the self-diagnostic check of the T1/T1S CPU, the error
messages and the related information shown on the following pages will be recorded in
the T1/T1S’s event history table. If the error is severe and continuation of operation is not
possible, the T1/T1S turns OFF all outputs and stops the operation (ERROR mode).
The latest 15 error messages are stored in the event history table. This event history
table can be displayed on the programming tool. (Power ON/OFF is also registered)
If the T1/T1S has entered into ERROR mode, connect the programming tool to the
T1/T1S to confirm the error message in the event history table. This information is
important to recover from a trouble. For the key operations on the programming tool to
display the event history table, refer to the separate manual for the programming tool.
(An example of the event history)
< Event History>
Date Time Event Count Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Mode
1. 98-02-21 16:48:01 I/O no answer 3 #00-04 RUN Down
2. 98-02-21 15:55:26 System power on 1 INIT.
3. 98-02-21 12:03:34 System power off 1 RUN
4. 98-01-15 09:27:12 System power on 1 INIT.
5. 98-01-14 19:11:43 System power off 1 HALT
6. 98-01-14 10:39:11 No END/IRET error 3 M-001 H0024 HALT Down
In the event history table, No.1 message indicates the latest event recorded.
Each column shows the following information.
Date: The date when the error has detected (T1S only)
Time: The time when the error has detected (T1S only)
Event: Error message
Count: Number of times the error has detected by retry action
Info n: Related information to the error detected
Mode: T1/T1S’s operation mode in which the error has detected (INIT. means the
power-up initialization)
Down: Shows the T1/T1S has entered into ERROR mode by the error detected
If the T1/T1S is in the ERROR mode, operations to correct the program are not
In this case, execute the Error reset operation by the programming tool to return the
HALT mode before starting the correction operation.
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