Nozzle Performance Chart
FLX34 Series Performance Chart—25°
Nozzle Set 31
Nozzle Set 32
Nozzle Set 33
Nozzle Set 34
Nozzle Set 35
Nozzle Set 36
Nozzle Set 37
102-0725 102-7001 102-0727 102-7002 102-6908 102-0730 102-4261
Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug
102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335
Yellow Blue Yellow Orange Yellow Red Yellow Beige Yellow Beige Yellow Red Yellow Gray
102-6937 102-2925 102-6937 102-2926 102-6937 102-2928 102-6937 102-2929 102-6937 102-2929 102-6937 102-6944 102-6937 102-6945
PSI Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM
50 57 13.0 58 15.5 64 21.9 68 24.4 — — — — — —
65 58 14.6 60 18.0 68 24.4 72 28.1 76 32.2 — — — —
80 60 16.2 63 20.5 72 26.9 76 31.1 80 35.6 83 38.2 85 41.5
100 62 17.9 66 23.4 75 29.8 79 34.9 84 39.3 88 43.4 91 46.9
FLX34 Series Performance Chart—15°
Stator 102-6929 Blue 102-1940 White
FLX34-3134 FLX34-3537
Not recommended at these pressures. Radius shown in feet.
Toro recommends the use of a 1
⁄4" swing joint at flows over 25-GPM (95-LPM).
Sprinkler radius data collected in Toro’s zero wind test facility per ASAE standard S398.1.
Actual site conditions must be considered when selecting the appropriate nozzle.
All sprinklers are equipped with the selectable pilot valve that allows settings at 50, 65, 80 and 100 PSI.
Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM
50 52 12.9 53 15.6 60 21.7 62 25.5 — — — — — —
65 53 14.4 54 17.1 61 24.2 64 28.0 67 32.1 — — — —
80 56 16.0 57 19.0 65 26.6 69 31.0 73 35.5 76 38.0 77 41.3
100 57 17.5 59 20.5 67 29.5 71 33.9 75 38.4 80 43.1 81 46.8
FLX54 Series Performance Chart—25°
Nozzle Set 51
Nozzle Set 52
Nozzle Set 53
Nozzle Set 54
Nozzle Set 55
Nozzle Set 56
Nozzle Set 57
Nozzle Set 58
Nozzle Set 59
102-0725 102-7001 102-0727 102-7002 102-6908 102-0730 102-4261 102-4260 102-4259
Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Red Plug Brown Red Plug Brown Red Plug Red Plug
102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-4335 102-6883 102-4335 102-6883 102-4335 102-4335
Yellow Blue Yellow Orange Yellow Red Yellow Beige Yellow Beige Yellow Red Yellow Gray Yellow Gray Yellow Gray
102-6937 102-2925 102-6937 102-2926 102-6937 102-2928 102-6937 102-2929 102-6937 102-2929 102-6937 102-6944 102-6937 102-6945 102-6937 102-6945 102-6937 102-6945
PSI Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM
50 58 13.2 59 15.7 64 22.0 70 26.2 — — — — — — — — — —
65 60 14.8 61 17.5 68 24.8 74 29.3 79 34.2 — — — — — — — —
80 61 16.4 64 20.0 72 27.6 78 32.6 83 38.0 85 40.7 87 44.9 91 50.2 96 55.6
100 63 18.1 67 23.6 75 30.4 81 36.7 87 42.5 90 45.8 93 50.2 95 55.4 99 61.8
FLX54 Series Performance Chart—15°
Stator 102-6929 Blue 102-1940 White 102-1941 White
FLX54-5154 FLX54-5558 FLX54-59
Not recommended at these pressures. Radius shown in feet.
Toro recommends the use of a 1
⁄4" swing joint at flows over 25-GPM (95-LPM).
Sprinkler radius data collected in Toro’s zero wind test facility per ASAE standard S398.1.
Actual site conditions must be considered when selecting the appropriate nozzle.
All sprinklers are equipped with the selectable pilot valve that allows settings at 50, 65, 80 and 100 PSI.
Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM Radius GPM
50 52 13.2 53 15.8 61 22.0 65 26.0 — — — — — — — — — —
65 53 14.8 54 17.4 63 24.8 67 29.2 69 34.1 — — — — — — — —
80 56 16.4 58 19.4 68 27.6 72 32.5 75 37.8 79 40.4 81 44.6 85 49.9 87 55.3
100 58 18.1 60 21.1 71 30.4 75 36.4 79 42.3 84 45.5 87 49.9 89 55.1 94 61.5