
Using the Day Exclusion Feature 
A Calendar watering day schedule is used to select spe-
cific days of the week to water. However, if an Interval
or Odd/Even watering schedule is preferred (or required
due to watering restrictions in your area), specific days of
the week can be removed from the watering schedule by
using the Day Exclusion feature.
Note: The Day Exclusion feature applies only to an
Interval or Odd/Even watering schedule, and will not be
displayed if the selected program is set to a Calendar
watering schedule.
Turn the control dial to the
watering days
Check the programs switch setting. If necessary,
reposition the switch to select the desired program.
The current watering schedule (Interval or Odd/Even)
will be displayed. Press the next button as needed
to display d E (Day Exclusion). The days of the week
will be displayed and su (Sunday) will begin flashing.
To exclude Sunday from the watering schedule,
press the –/off button. To keep Sunday and skip
to the next day, press the +/on button; mo (Monday)
will now begin flashing. Continue to exclude or skip
each day of the week as needed.
Example: Tuesday and Friday have been excluded
from program A.
When finished, return the control dial to the run