Section 3: Basic Configuration 11
Password Tab
The Password tab allows you to enable/disable password protection. You can also change your password
here. Be sure to click
Apply when finished.
Device Time Tab
The Device Time tab allows you to establish the time zone for your location. It also allows you to automatically
adjust for Daylight Savings Time if necessary. Be sure to click
Apply when finished.
Device Name Tab
The Device Name tab allows you to rename your modem. This is the Device Name you enter on an Internet
browser address bar to access your modem. Be sure to click
Apply when finished.
Restore Factory Settings Tab
Password Tab Fields
Field or Button Description
Enable Login Password Protection
Selecting this check box will require login
Password Protection.
New Login Password
Enter your new password here. Maximum
20 characters. Passwords are case-
Confirm New Login Password
Re-enter your new password here, exactly
as entered above.
Device Time Tab Fields
Field or Button Description
Current Local Time
Shows the current local date and time.
Time Zone
Select your local time zone from the drop
down box.
Auto Adjust for Daylight Saving Time
Select this check box if your location
observes Daylight Savings Time. (Default is
Device Name Tab Fields
Field or Button Description
New Device Name
Enter the new name for the modem.
Maximum 20 characters.
Restore Factory Settings Tab Fields
Field or Button Description
Restore Factory Settings
Selecting this check box will restore the
modem to factory default settings. The
device will restart when you click