1. Turn on
2. Try starting engine. If light on rear glows, add
3. Fill gas tank with gas
4. Connect or replace
1. Check siphon hose o-ring and/or let paint
circulate in with PRIME/SPRAY valve in the
PRIME position
2. Increase pressure
3. Replace the clutch
1. Check supply
2. Clean
3. Clean and replace
4. Thin material
5. Tune engine
6. Service
1. Tighten connections
2. Tighten, check for leaks
3. Service or clean
4. Replace
5. Clean or replace
6. Reverse
7. Replace
1. Increase
2. Clean or replace
3. Change or replace
4. Increase throttle
1. Replace with a minimum 50' grounded
nylon braid high pressure hose
2. Change or replace
3. Decrease pressure and engine speed
1. Replace
1. Inspect connections for air leaks
2. Disassemble and clean
3. Inspect and adjust
4. Inspect and replace
1. Replace
2. Adjust
3. Clean
1. Check fluid supply
2. Clean
3. Replace
1. Engine switch not on
2. Engine oil level low
3. Out of gas
4. Spark plug cable disconnected or bad
1. Air leak in siphon hose
2. Insufficient pressure
3. Clutch worn or damaged
1. No paint
2. Inlet screen clogged
3. Pump/gun filter clogged
4. Pump will not prime, material too heavy
5. Engine not tuned properly
6. Worn clutch
1. Air leak in system
2. Air leak in siphon hose
3. Inlet valve not seating
4. Worn packings
5. Dirty or worn ball valves
6. Worn valve seats
7. Worn PRIME/SPRAY valve
1. Pressure setting too low
2. Plugged filters
3. Spray tip too big or worn
4. Engine or motor rpm too low
1. Wrong type of hose
2. Spray tip too big or worn
3. Excessive pressure
1. Worn out packings
1. Air in system
2. Dirty gun
3. Needle assembly out of adjustment
4. Broken or chipped seat
1. Worn or broken needle and seat
2. Needle assembly out of adjustment
3. Dirty gun
1. No paint
2. Plugged filter or tip
3. Broken needle in gun
Airless Pump
Gas engine won't start
Pump won’t prime
Insufficient material flow
Pump will not maintain
Not enough pressure
Excessive surge at spray gun
Paint leaks into oil cup
Airless Gun
Spitting gun
Gun will not shut off
Gun does not spray
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