
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Beef, lamb, and pork
Freezer FoodSaver Bag 2 to 3 years 6 months
Ground meat Freezer FoodSaver Bag 1 year 4 months
Poultry Freezer FoodSaver Bag 2 to 3 years 6 months
Fish Freezer FoodSaver Bag 2 years 6 months
Food Preparation and Storage Guide
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan Refrigerator FoodSaver Bag 4 to 8 months 1 to 2 weeks
Preparation Guidelines for Meats/Fish:
Option 1: For best results pre-freeze
meats and fish for 1-2 hours before
vacuum packaging in a FoodSaver
Bag to ensure the retention of juices
and shape, and to help guarantee a
good seal.
Option 2: If it is not possible to pre-
freeze, place a folded paper towel
between the meat/fish and the end
of the bag. Leave the paper towel in
the bag when vacuum packaging to
absorb excess moisture and juices.
Preparation Guidelines for Hard Cheeses:
Keep cheese fresh even if you use
it everyday by vacuum packaging it
with the Vac 1050 after each use.
Make your original FoodSaver Bag
extra long. Simply cut along the
sealed edge, remove the cheese and
slice off the amount needed, then
place the cheese back in the bag and
repackage. Allow approximately one
inch of bag material for each time the
bag will be opened and repackaged.
Preserve Your Garden Goodness
Your FoodSaver Vac 1050 is an
invaluable tool to help preserve the
quality, freshness, and nutrients of
your homegrown vegetables. When
vacuum packaging and freezing
items from your garden, you can
enjoy your harvest year round.
General Harvesting Information
It is usually best to pick in the cool
of the morning because produce
has the best texture then.
Harvesting from a home garden
gives you the opportunity to enjoy
produce that is ripened to perfec-
tion. Because different parts of the
plant will ripen at different times,
the Vac 1050 allows you to
vacuum package small amounts
frequently and cost effectively.
Select top-quality young, tender
produce that is free from mold
and decay. Freezing will not
improve the quality.
Do not select vegetables that have
frozen in the garden to use in any
preservation method. However,
these frozen-on-the-plant vegetables
may be acceptable for immediate
fresh eating if they are harvested
before any decay starts.
Clean vegetables thoroughly before
freezing and vacuum packaging.
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Lettuce, Spinach
Refrigerator Canister 2 weeks 3 to 6 days
Preparation Guidelines for Leafy Vegetables:
Wash vegetables, towel or spin dry,
and vacuum package. You can then
open the canister and take what you
need each time you make a salad.