E-DOC-CTC-20060911-0017 v2.0
Chapter 2
Basic Installation
Starting the Easy Setup wizard
You can also start the Easy Setup wizard from within the embedded Web pages. Proceed as follows:
1 Browse to the Thomson Gateway pages on http://dsldevice.lan
or on its IP address, by
2 In the menu, click SpeedTouch.
3 In the Pick a task list, click Set Up.
Using Easy Setup
In the Easy Setup wizard:
1 Click Next to proceed. If for some reason you want to abort the wizard, click Cancel.
2 Choose the Service provided by your ISP (Router or Bridge) and click Next.
3 Select the appropriate VPI/VCI - and, if required, the Connection Type (PPPoE or PPPoA) - provided by
your ISP, and then click Next.
4 For a Routed service, fill in the Internet Account settings (PPP user name and password) provided by your
ISP, and then click Next.
5 Fill in a Security user name and Password for your Thomson Gateway.
6 In the next window you can review your settings, before starting the configuration of your Thomson
Gateway. If something is missing or incorrect, click Back. To confirm your settings, click Start.
7 Wait until the configuration is finished, and then click Finish.
The factory default user is ‘Administrator’ and its password is blank. It is advisable to specify
another Administrator user name and password to protect your Thomson Gateway from
security violation, as described in “2.6 Basic Security” on page 21.