
Setting Up the Build/Development Environment
DVEVM Software Setup 4-13
These codecs are provided under a "for demonstration-only" license
agreement. If you wish to use these codecs in a production development
environment, you can go to the DVEVM Updates web site at
http://www.ti.com/dvevmupdates to download the latest production
versions, along with the appropriate license agreement.
4.4 Setting Up the Build/Development Environment
To set up the GPP-side development and build environment, follow these
1) Log in to your user account (and not as root) on the NFS host
2) Set your PATH so that the MontaVista tool chain host tools and cross
compiler (arm_v5t_le-gcc) can be found. For example, in a default
installation of the MontaVista LSP, you should add a definition like
the following to your shell resource file (for example, ~/.bashrc):
If you installed in a location other than /opt/mv_pro_5.0, use your
own location in the PATH.
3) Remember to use the following command after modifying your
.bashrc file:
host $ source ~/.bashrc
4.4.1 Writing a Simple Program and Running it on the EVM
Make sure you have performed the steps in Section 4.3.5, Exporting a
Shared File System for Target Access and Section 4.4, Setting Up the
Build/Development Environment.
Perform the following steps on the NFS host system as user (not as root):
1) host $ mkdir /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys/opt/hello
2) host $ cd /home/<useracct>/workdir/filesys/opt/hello
3) Create a file called hello.c with the following contents:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Buongiorno DaVinci!\n");
return 0;