Chapter 12: Additional Graphing Topics 201
12ADDLGR.DOC TI-89/TI-92 Plus: Additional Graphing Tools (English) Susan Gullord Revised: 02/23/01 1:03 PM Printed: 02/23/01 2:15 PM Page 201 of 20
Chapter 12:
Additional Graphing Topics
Preview of Additional Graphing Topics.............................................. 202
Collecting Data Points from a Graph................................................... 203
Graphing a Function Defined on the Home Screen........................... 204
Graphing a Piecewise Defined Function............................................. 206
Graphing a Family of Curves................................................................ 208
Using the Two-Graph Mode.................................................................. 209
Drawing a Function or Inverse on a Graph ........................................ 212
Drawing a Line, Circle, or Text Label on a Graph ............................. 213
Saving and Opening a Picture of a Graph........................................... 217
Animating a Series of Graph Pictures ................................................. 219
Saving and Opening a Graph Database............................................... 220
This chapter describes additional features that you can use to
create graphs on the
89 / TI
92 Plus
. This information generally
applies to all
mode settings.
This chapter assumes that you already know the fundamental
procedures for defining and selecting functions, setting Window
variables, and displaying graphs as described in Chapter 6: Basic
Function Graphing.