Where To Install Your Antenna
Before attempting to install your antenna, decide on the
best location to install your antenna for both safety and
performance. To determine a safe distance from wires, power
lines and trees:
1. Measure the length of your antenna and multiply by 2.
2. Add this measurement to the length of your tower/mast.
If you are unable to maintain this safe distance, STOP! Get
professional help. Most antennas are supported by tripod
masts or pipe masts attached to the chimney, roof, or to the
side of the house. Generally, the higher the antenna, the better
it performs. Good practice is to install your antenna about 5
to10 feet above the roof line and away from power lines and
other obstructions.
• Remember when doing any installation, keep the
mast plumb.
• For mast support, use only 1-1/4” O.D. pipe or larger antenna
mast sections. Lengths over 10 feet should be guyed at least
every 10 foot section.
• Not all mounting methods are shown here.
Read and follow the mount manufacturer’s instructions
House Construction Obstacles:
For homes made of stucco, clad with aluminum siding or that have
internal foil paper insulation, the antenna must be installed on the
side of the house that faces the broadcasting tower. These
materials may prevent signals from going through it.
Types of Support Structures
and Mounting
Chimney Mount - Mounts on a chimney only
Suggested height limitation: 10 feet above chimney top.
The chimney is often an easy and convenient mounting place,
but the chimney must be strong enough to support the
antenna in high winds. Do not use a chimney that has loose
bricks or mortar. A good chimney mount consists of a 5 or 10
foot 1-1/4” diameter steel mast and two heavy duty strap
clamp-type brackets.