RF POWER SE LEC TION: While the RF Power
in di ca tor is flash ing, press the UP AR ROW for
HIGH and DOWN for NORM (the RF Power line
will not be dis played). NORM power should be
used for small to me dium sized ven ues and when -
ever mul ti ple sys tems are be ing used. Press SET
when the power is set and the Un bal anced In put
level will flash.
AD JUST MENT: If the un bal anced au dio in put will
not be used, with the Un bal anced In put Level flash -
ing use the UP but ton to set the level to OFF and
press set to go to Bal ance In put Se lec tion.
If the Un bal anced in put will be used, con nect the in -
put now and ap ply au dio con tent. With the au dio
con tent play ing and Un bal anced In put level flash -
ing, watch the au dio me ter. The peak sig nal should
not go above the 0 dB seg ment, use the UP and
DOWN but tons to ad just the in put level so that the
loud est in put lights up the 0 dB seg ment. When the
level is set, press the SET but ton and one of the
Bal anced In put Op tions will flash (de fault is 70V).
anced au dio in put will not be used, with one of the
Bal ance In put Op tions flash ing press SET so the
Bal anced In put Level is flash ing. Use the UP and
DOWN but tons to set the level to OFF and press
SET to end the setup ses sion.
If the Bal anced in put will be used, with one of the
op tions flash ing use the UP and DOWN but tons to
se lect the cor rect in put. With the cor rect in put dis -
played, press SET and the Bal anced In put Level in -
di ca tor will flash.
CAU TION: Per ma nent dam age can re sult if 70V
line is used with the In put Se lec tion im prop erly set.
Make sure the Bal anced In put Se lec tion is set cor -
rectly, then con nect the in put and ap ply au dio con -
tent. With the au dio con tent play ing and Bal anced
In put level flash ing, watch the au dio me ter. The
peak sig nal should not go above the 0 dB seg ment,
use the UP and DOWN but tons to ad just the in put
level so that the loud est in put lights up the 0 dB
seg ment. When the level is set, press the SET but ton
and the Setup Ses sion will end.
En hanced Dy namic Range (E.D.R.) Op er a tion
The Telex ST-300 Trans mit ter is equipped with
E.D.R., En hanced Dy namic Range (companded) au -
dio. This mode greatly im proves the Au dio Sig nal to
Noise Ra tio when used with the Telex Model
SR-400 re ceiver. The E.D.R. mode must be se lected
on both the trans mit ter and re ceiver to be ef fec tive.
1. To en gage the E.D.R. func tion, turn the ST-300
off with the power switch.
2. Press and hold the SET but ton while you turn the
ST-300 back on. The E.D.R. sym bol will be dis -
played in the lower right cor ner to in di cate the
mode is ac tive.
3. Re peat the pro ce dure to dis able the E.D.R func tion.
Change Lock Out
The ST-300 SET but ton can be locked to pre vent
E.D.R. ac ti va tion, and un in tended chan nel changes.
1. To en gage the Lock Out Fea ture, press the UP
and DOWN but tons at the same time and hold
them down for 10 sec onds.
2. The pad lock sym bol will ap pear and the set but -
ton is dis abled.
3. To un lock the sys tem, press the Up and DOWN
but tons and hold them for 10 sec onds or un til the
pad lock sym bol dis ap pears.
AU DIO MON I TOR: Turn the Mon i tor (vol ume)
con trol all the way down (coun ter clock wise). Af ter
the au dio in put lev els have been ad justed, Ste reo
head phones with a ΒΌ in. plug can be plugged into
the Mon i tor jack. If you wish to mon i tor the au dio
pro gram ma te rial, turn up the mon i tor (vol ume) con -
trol to the de sired level. The mon i tor con trol does
not af fect the trans mit ted au dio level.