
Sec tion 6 - Tech ni cal Spec i fi ca tions
FMR-500 Re ceiver
Spec i fi ca tions
Over all
Re ceiver Type ....................................................Syn the sized PLL
Fre quency Range (RF) .....................A Band 648 - 676 MHz (TV Chan nels 43 - 48)
B Band 696 - 724 MHz (TV Chan nels 54 - 56)
Num ber of Chan nels ...................................... >1122 pos si ble frequencies
Pro gram ma ble in 25 kHz steps
Mod u la tion ...........................................................+/- 40 kHz
Di ver sity........................................Dig i tal Posi -Phase
True Di ver sity
RF Sen si tiv ity ............................................<1.0 µV for 12 dB SINAD
Im age Re jec tion ..........................................................>60 dB
Squelch .................................................Tone Code plus Am pli tude
Ul ti mate Quieting........................................................>100 dB
FCC Cer tif i ca tion ...........................................Ap proved un der Part 15
Power Re quire ments.........................................12-15V AC/DC, 300mA
Op er at ing Tem per a ture....................................-7° to 49° C (20° to 120° F)
Re ceiver Di men sions ................................1.72 in. H x 7.50 in. W x 5.9 in. D
43.69 mm H x 190.50 mm W x 150 mm D
Au dio Pa ram e ters
Fre quency Re sponse ............................................50 - 15 kHz +/- 2dB
Bal anced Out put (typ i cal) .................................. (max @ 40 kHz de vi a tion)
330mV RMS 100K OHM Load, Mic Po si tion
10mV to 2V RMS 100K OHM Load, Line Po si tion
Un bal anced Out put ......................ad just able 10 mV to 1V RMS, 100K OHM Load
Dis tor tion.............................<1.0%, 0.5% typ i cal (ref 1kHz, 40kHz de vi a tion)
Sig nal-to-Noise Ra tio...........................................>100 dB A Weighted
Dy namic Range .........................................................>100 dB
Trans mit ters WT-500 and HT-500
Ra di ated Out put ...................................................30 mW Typ i cal
Mi cro phone Head ElectroVoice 767a.............N/D 767a supercardioid N/DYM dy namic
Mi cro phone Head ElectroVoice RE410 ........................RE410 cardioid con denser
Stan dard Lavalier Mi cro phone.....................ELM-22 Omni-Dierctional Con denser
TA4F Con nec tor Wir ing................................Pin 1: Ground; Pin 2 Mic In put;
Pin 3: +5V bias; Pin 4: +5V bias
through a 3kW re sis tor
Au dio Gain Ad just ment Range ........................................40 dB WT-500
26 dB HT-500
Power Re quire ments..........................................9 Volt Al ka line Bat tery
Bat tery Life (Typ i cal) .............................>8 hours with 9-Volt Al ka line Typ i cal
Bodypack An tenna ........................................Flex i ble ex ter nal 1/4 wave
Handheld An tenna ................................................In ter nal 1/2 wave
Di men sions (Handheld)........................................24.0 cm (9.4 in.) Long
Di men sions (bodypack) ..............................3.8 in. H x 2.38 in. W x 0.92 in. D
96.5 mm H x 60.5 mm W x 23.4 mm D