
Auto/Q menu.
Accessed by pressing the Utilities key followed by the Auto/Q key.
Soft key options: Auto Gain
Auto EQ
'Q' type
The Curve/Fader key toggles the screen between Curve and Fader displays. While the
Fader display shows the positions of the 30 Graphic faders for the addressed channel, Curve
display calculates the actual frequency response of the unit, taking into account fader posi-
tions, filter Q and interaction, low pass and high pass filters, notches and gain.
Auto Gain
Soft key 1 is accompanied by the text Auto Gain. When pressed, this key toggles the Auto Gain
function on or off and returns the unit to the start up screen.
When Auto Gain is on, the Gain fader will move automatically to compensate for any further
adjustments made to the graphic faders in order to maintain unity gain for an average audio signal.
Auto EQ
Soft key 2 is accompanied by the text Auto EQ. This function is used when the DN3600 is
connected to a Klark Teknik model DN60/DN6000 Real Time Spectrum Analyser via their
respective “DN60 Interface” and “Plotter/Data” ports.
When the key is pressed, the DN3600 reads the frequency spectrum as displayed at that moment
by the DN60/DN6000 analyser. Fader adjustments are then applied to the selected channel (A,
B or - in LINK mode - both) to compensate for the analysed room or system response.
The unit remains in Auto/Q menu, allowing repeated triggering of the Auto EQ function.
Q Type
Soft key 3 is accompanied by the text Q Type. When the key is pressed, the addressed channel
toggles between the Q modes: 360 and 27. The Q mode is shown as text at the top of the screen.
The Q mode determines the shape, and hence the sound and interaction, of the graphic filters.
Q:360 emulates the wide and hence smoothly combining and easy to use filters of the industry
standard Klark Teknik DN360 Graphic Equaliser. Q:27 emulates the narrower and hence less
interactive LCR filters of the older Klark Teknik model DN27 Graphic Equaliser.
Soft key 4 is accompanied by the text Exit. When this key is pressed, the unit returns to the start
up menu.