Telenetics Customer Information
U.S.A. customers who have questions about Telenetics products or services should
refer to the following sections. Non-U.S.A. customers should contact their local
Telenetics subsidiary office or distributor.
Questions about Your Product Shipment
If you have questions about whether your shipment is complete or about its condition
upon receipt, please call your nearest Telenetics representative.
Technical Assistance or Scheduling Service
To have Telenetics implement your equipment:
You can purchase and schedule Implementation Services by calling (949) 455-4000
(from within the U.S.). The average lead time for implementation services is 5
business days from the time of the call. Implementation services include running
power-up diagnostics, configuring the equipment, and connecting the equipment into
existing networks. A service engineer will be dispatched to your site to perform these
If you implement your equipment yourself:
Carefully follow the instructions in the following sections of this documentation set:
To install and power up — Chapter 2.
To configure and operate — Chapter 3.
If you have difficulty — Chapter 6 provides a quick reference to problems you
may encounter, and suggestions for correcting them.