Mechanical Specifications
Enclosure Aluminum with removable front and rear panel
Dimensions 5.70” wide x 8.30” long x 1.50” high
Weight 1.9 lb.
Interface connectors
Connectors 4-position screw terminal.
2- or 4-wire leased line or metallic circuit
(DC currently not supported)
Data Terminal Equipment DB-25 female connector
RS-232 (DTE) Interface
Signal Name Modem Input/Output DB25 Pin Description
Earth GND 1 Earth Ground
TXD Input 2 Transmit Data
RXD Output 3 Receive Data
RTS Input 4 Request To Send
CTS Output 5 Clear To Send
DSR Output 6 Data Set Ready
(Modem Ready)
SG GND 7 Signal Ground
DCD Output 8 Data Carrier
DTR Input 20 Data Terminal
Ready (Host Ready)
Note: DCD active indicates that carrier is present and data at RxD is valid. DCD is
not an energy detector.
General Specifications
Data rate 9600 or 4800 bps
asynchronous, +1% - 2.5%
Data format 8 or 9 data bits with 1 or
more stop bits
Line requirement TELCO Voice band 4 or 2 wire
leased line Private metallic
circuits, 26 to 19 AWG
Operating modes 2-wire half-duplex or
4-wire full-duplex
Modulation Telenetics proprietary
Equalizer Automatic, adaptive
Training time RTS to CTS delay, 23 ms
Cable equalizer Fixed transmitter and
receiver cable equalizer,
Power supply Wide range switching power
supply, 85 to 265V, 50/60
Hz, or 85 to 400VDC.
Optional DC voltage, 10 to
53 volts DC
Surge protection Provided at power line and
leased line
Up to 15KV (Standalone
Carrier Control Constant or switched, DIP
switch selectable
Carrier loss recovery Built-in Train on Data
(typically less than 10 sec)
Receiver Dynamic Range +3 to –30 dbm or –10 to –43
dbm (DIP switch selectable)
Operating Temperature -40
C to +85
For more information on the FlashPoll and other
FastPoll Series by Telenetics please contact us at:
949-455-4000 or visit
Document #0074 0502
Telenetics is a registered trademark and FlashPoll is a trademark of Telenetics Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
©2002 Telenetics Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by 85 to 265 VAC, 50-60Hz, the modem will also operate from 85 to
400 volts DC. The Leased line is protected by heavy duty surge protection
circuitry that can withstand surge voltage of up to 15KV.
Telenetics Corporation
25111 Arctic Ocean Drive
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Tel: 949.455.4000
Fax: 949.455.4010
Diagnostic Features
Front panel L.E.D.. for status monitoring:
Power (PWR) Data carrier detect (DCD)
Request to send (RTS) Data set ready (DSR)
Clear to send (CTS) Analog loopback (ALB)
Transmit data (TXD) Digital loopback (DLB)
Receive data (RXD)
Front Panel loopback control for testing:
Local Analog Loopback (ALB)
Local Digital Loopback (DLB)
Remote Digital Loopback (RDL)
Rear Panel