165-072011 THCD-100 Power Supply Page 25 of 28
7. Appendices
7.1. Appendix A
Table 1 – THCD-100 Command Set Summary
Purpose Cmd Query
Parameters Notes
Output current readings r
Output current readings
rp 0 - 4 P1: 0 = Repeat off
1 = Repeat every 100ms
2 = Repeat every 500ms
3 = Repeat every second
4 = Repeat every minute
(1 & 2 not allowed when using serial
communication at baud < 57600)
Setpoint value
spv? # P1: Real value to set
Setpoint mode spm spm? 0 - 2 P1: 0 = AUTO mode
1 = OPEN mode
2 = CLOSED mode
Setpoint source sps sps? 0 - 1 P1: 0 = Internal source
1 = Slave (External) source
Setpoint initial value siv siv? # P1: Real value to set
Setpoint initial mode sim sim? 0 - 2 P1: 0 = AUTO mode
1 = OPEN mode
2 = CLOSED mode
Retrieve all settings ras
Comma separated string returned
See Table 3 for actual settings
Serial baud rate bra bra? 9600, 19200,
BR< 14400 = 9600
14400 ≤ BR < 28800 = 19200
BR ≥ 28800 = 57600
Serial protocol pro pro? 0 or 1 P1: 0 = RS485
1 = RS232
Communications address add add? a through h
Input channel units str uiu uiu?
P1: Max length 5 chars
Input channel range uir uir? # P1: Real value for range to set
Input channel full scale uif uif? # P1: Real value for full scale to set
Adaptive filter band flb flb? #
P1: Band percentage (0.011.00) or OFF, or ON
Adaptive filter size fls fls? 0 - 6 P1: Buffer size in seconds
Relay switch threshold rlt rlt? 1 - 2,
P1: Relay number
P2: Real number for switching point
Relay hysteresis rlh rlh? 1 - 2,
0.01 - 0.0
P1: Relay number
P2: Hysteresis percentage value
User input rezero function
irz irz? [0] P1 (optional): clears current user input rezero
Date of last calibration
Returned date format: yymmdd