This section provides information regarding changes to this manual.
2012, February 14, T300/300M Manual, PN06864 Rev B
Document PN Rev DCN Change Summary
Top Assy Manual 06864 B 6314 Administrative changes: restructure to new T-Series format:
Consolidated Options sections and restructured into tabular
format; moved to Section 1.
Corrected Safety Compliance (was: IEC 61010-1:90 + A1:92 +
A2:95; is: IEC 61010-1:2001).
Added North American Certification statement.
Section 2.1 – added 2
gas sensor options specs.
Replaced Fig 3-5 with correct internal layout illustration (was
short box; is long box).
Move pneumatic illustrations from Options section to
pneumatic setup section.
Gathered communications setup and operation into one group
(Section 6).
Renamed Part III from “Technical Information” to “Maintenance
and Service”.
Renamed “Troubleshooting and Repair” to “Troubleshooting
and Service”.
Renamed section “Theory of Operation” to “Principles of
Moved “Principles of Operation” section after “Maintenance”
and “Troubleshooting and Service” sections.
Moved FAQs to end of Troubleshooting/Service section
Moved Glossary to end of manual before Index.
Technical changes:
Status Outputs: added connection line for +5V to external
device (Fig 3-11) and corrected DC Power pin description
(Table 3-6, deleted “combined rating w/Control Output if used”).
Section modify Multidrop connection section to clarify
insructions and add detail.
Correct COM1 default baud rate value to 115,200 (was:
Added USB driver download instructions (Section 6.6)
Replaced Appendix D Wiring List Rev A with Rev B.
Replaced Appendix D Wiring Diagram Rev A with Rev B.
Swapped Appendix D Prss/Flow Transducer was 04003
(assembly dwg) is 04354 (elec. schematic).
Replaced Appendix D Schematic 06731 Rev A with Rev B.
2010, September 14, T300 Manual, PN06864 Rev A, DCN 5840 Initial Release