
Specifications and Approvals Teledyne API – Technical Manual - Model 300E Family CO Analyzers
Teledyne API’s M300E Carbon Monoxide Analyzer is designated as Reference Method Number EQOA-0992-
087 as defined in 40 CFR Part 53, when operated under the following conditions:
Range: Any range from 10 ppm to 50 ppm.
Ambient temperature range of 10 to 40C.
Line voltage range of 90 – 127 and 200 – 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Sample filter: Equipped with PTFE filter element in the internal filter assembly.
Sample flow of 800 80 cm
/min at sea level.
Internal sample pump.
Software settings:
Dilution factor 1.0
AutoCal ON or OFF
Dynamic Zero ON or OFF
Dynamic Span OFF
Dual range ON or OFF
Auto range ON or OFF
Temp/Pres compensation ON
Under the designation, the analyzer may be operated with or without the following options:
Rack mount with slides.
Rack mount without slides, ears only.
Zero/span valve options.
Option 50A – Sample/Cal valves, or;
Option 50B – Sample/Cal valves with span shutoff & flow control.
Internal zero/span (IZS) option with either:
Option 51A – Sample/Cal valves, or;
Option 51C – Sample/Cal valves with span shutoff & flow control.
Status outputs.
Control inputs.
RS-232 output.
Ethernet output.
4-20mA, isolated output.
04288D DCN5752