A to D converter trim, 42
AC power. See power
accuracy, 42, 53
address, 55
air, 47
alarm, 13, 15
HI, 13
LO, 13
alarm relay, 40
analog to digital converter, 42
assigning parameters, 28
assignment conflict, 36, 37
auto calibration, 54
automatic calibration, 14
back to factory calibration, 14, 22, 49
backlit graphics display, 57
BUFFER, 27, 44, 46
CALIBRATE key, 16, 23
numerical equivalence, 31
calibrate mode, 23
calibration, 22, 44
calibration menu, 27
calibration voltage, 42
caution sign, iv
change the protection level, 33
changing output assignment, 37
cleaning, 51
command #3, 38
command #35, 39
concentration curves, 54
conductivity, 13, 14, 53
conduit, 21
conduit hole, 17
configuration password. See password
configuring LXT-220, 30
connections, 17
contrast, 52
contrast menu, 24, 25
copyright, ii
copyright display, 24
cross-channel assignment, 37
current output, 26
configure, 28
decreasing a value, 16
dedicated output, 39
default parameters, 14
diagnostic feature, 59
digital interface, 54
digital signal, 39
dimensions, 54
display, 14, 16, 53
display contrast, 25
dissolved oxygen, 13, 14, 24, 53
dissolved oxygen electrode, 46
dual channel input, 22
dual input. See input
dual input option, 13
efficiency, 47
electrical connections, 20
electrode, 29
electrode degradation, 22, 46
electrode diagnostic screen, 29
electrode failure, 14
electrode performance, 29
electrode potential, 22
electrode slope, 47, 48
electrode variation, 46
enclosure. See NEMA-4X
Err PW, 32
erratic reading, 52
error detection, 49
external event, 53
factory calibration point, 22
feature codes, 57
features, 14
figures listing, ix
flashing asterisk, 49
front panel, 16
gasket, 51
grab sample, 48
gray screen, 25
HART, 14, 15, 28, 36, 38, 40, 53, 54
HART analog output, 39