Teledyne Analytical Instruments 44
Reenter a new Password
'A' 'A' 'A'
Note that the new password has been replaced by 'A' as placeholder
characters. This is to ensure that the wrong password is not mistakenly
<▲▼> Use the ▲▼ keys to reenter the letters of the new
<Enter> Press <Enter> to advance to the next letter
<Enter> If the repeated password matches the previously entered
new password, the new password is set, the 4060 resumes
the ANALYSIS SCREEN after displaying a brief
message 'Password Changed'.
<Escape> Steps back to the previously entered letter or, if on the
first letter, returns to the CHANGE PASSWORD menu.
Note: If you log off the system using the LOGOUT function in the
MAIN MENU, you will now be required to reenter the
password to gain access to most menus.
4.4.7 Logging Out
The LOGOUT function provides a convenient means of leaving the
analyzer in a password protected mode without having to shut the
instrument off. By entering LOGOUT, you effectively log off the
instrument leaving the system parameters protected until the password is
reentered. The system will continue analysis, however.
To log out:
<▲▼> From the MAIN MENU scroll to field of LOGOUT
<Enter> Press <Enter> to logout .
The screen will display the message:
Restrict Access?