Model GFC7000E Instruction Manual A Primer on Electro-Static Discharge
04584 Rev A1 220
Static charges will build up on the outer surface of the anti-ESD container during shipping as the
packing materials vibrate and rub against each other. To prevent these static charges from
damaging the components or assemblies being shipped make sure that you:
• Always unpack shipments from Teledyne Instruments Customer Service by:
• Opening the outer shipping box away from the anti-ESD work area
• Carry the still sealed ant-ESD bag, tube or bin to the anti-ESD work area
• Follow steps 6 and 7 of Section above when opening the anti-ESD container at
the work station
• Reserve the anti-ESD container or bag to use when packing electronic components or
assemblies to be returned to Teledyne Instruments
• Always pack electronic components and assemblies to be sent to Teledyne Instruments
Customer Service in anti-ESD bins, tubes or bags.
• Do not use pink-poly bags.
• If you do not already have an adequate supply of anti-ESD bags or containers
available, Teledyne Instruments’ Customer Service department) will supply them (see
Section 11.7 for contact information.
• Always follow steps 1 through 5 of Section
User Notes