
Oxygen Analyzer Installation
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 39
Table 3-4: Range ID Relay Connections
Pin Function
21 Range 1 ID Contact
38 Range 1 ID Contact
22 Range 2 ID Contact
39 Range 2 ID Contact
19 Range 3 ID Contact
18 Range 3 ID Contact
34 Range 4 ID Contact (Over range)
35 Range 4 ID Contact (Over range)
3.4 Electrolyte Refill of BDS Sensor
The BDS sensor is shipped dry. It must be filled with the
electrolyte before operation. The electrolyte is a caustic solution (10%
KOH), supplied in five 50 ml bottles. Review the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) in Section A-6 before handling the electrolyte.
To refill the BDS sensor:
1. Loosen the thumb screws on the front and slide the drawer
halfway out.
2. Unscrew the sensor cap and disconnect sensor cable from the
BDS sensor.
3. Pour the electrolyte from the five small bottles into a larger
4. Sparge the electrolyte with nitrogen gas at a flow of 100 CCM
for about 1/2 hour then pour into the provided wash bottle.
5. Ref. to Figure 3.5 for the method of adding electrolyte to the
sensor. It is important that as the sensor is being filled with the
electrolyte, filling is accomplished without trapping gas bubbles
in the lower part of the sensor.
6. Squirt electrolyte content into the sensor. Do it slowly until the
bottom parts of the sensor are fully immersed in the electrolyte.