Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary M703E Calibrator Operator’s Manual
28 05744 Rev B
DOC – Acronym for Disk On Chip, the system’s central storage area for system operating system, firmware and
data. This is a solid-state device without mechanical, moving parts that acts as a computer hard disk drive
under DOS with disk drive label “C”. DOC chips come with 8 mb space in the E-series system standard
configuration but are available in larger sizes
DOS - Disk Operating System. The E-series systems use DR DOS
EEPROM - also referred to as a FLASH chip.
FEP - Acronym for Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene polymer, one of the polymers that du Pont markets as
(along with PFA and PTFE).
FLASH - flash memory is non-volatile, solid-state memory.
C bus – read: I-square-C bus. A serial, clocked serial bus for communication between individual system
IC – Acronym for Integrated Circuit, a modern, semi-conductor circuit that can contain many basic components
such as resistors, transistors, capacitors etc in a miniaturized package used in electronic assemblies.
iDAS - Acronym for Internal Data Acquisition System, previously referred to as DAS.
LAN - Acronym for local area network.
LED - Acronym for Light Emitting Diode.
LPM – Acronym for liters per minute
MFC – Acronym for “mass flow controller”.
MOLAR MASS – The molar mass is the mass, expressed in grams, of one mole of a specific substance.
Conversely, one mole is the amount of the substance needed for the molar mass to be the same number in
grams as the atomic mass of that substance.
EXAMPLE: The atomic weight of Carbon is 12 therefore the molar mass of Carbon is 12 grams,
conversely, one mole of carbon equals the amount of carbon atoms that weighs 12 grams.
Atomic weights can be found on any Periodic Table of Elements
PCA - Acronym for Printed Circuit Assembly, this is the PCB with electronic components installed and ready
to use
PCB - Acronym for printed circuit board, the bare circuit board without components
PLC – Acronym for programmable logic controller, a device that is used to control instruments based on a logic
level signal coming from the system
PFA – Acronym for Per-Fluoro-Alkoxy, an inert polymer. One of the polymers that du Pont markets as Teflon
(along with FEP and PTFE).
PTFE – Acronym for Poly-Tetra-Fluoro-Ethylene, a very inert poly
er material used to handle gases that may
react on other surfaces. One of the polymers that du Pont markets as Teflon
(along with FEP and PFA).
PVC – Acronym for Poly Vinyl Chloride.
RS-232 - An electronic communication protocol of a serial communications port
RS-485 - An electronic communication protocol of a serial communications port
SLPM – Acronym for standard liters per minute; liters per minute of a gas at standard temperature and pressure
TCP/IP - Acronym for Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, the standard communications protocol for
Ethernet devices and the Internet
VARS - Acronym for variables, the variables menu or settings of the system