Teledyne API Model 701 Zero Air Generator
5-8 01671H (DCN6051)
5.9 Storage Tank
The storage tank serves two functions. As its name implies, it stores air so that when
the demand is low, the compressor can be turned off to conserve energy, allowing the
storage tank to supply the air requirements. The tank also serves as “filter capacitor”,
preventing pulses generated by the drier cycles or water drain valve from reaching the
output port on the rear panel.
The air in the tank has been dried so there is no need for a tank drain and no concern
about internal corrosion.
The tank is a commercial gas storage cylinder, rated at 1800 psi, and is not modified or
altered in any way that can harm its integrity.
5.10 Pressure Sensor
The PCA mounted pressure sensor senses the pressure in the storage tank.
It is set at the factory to turn off (cut out) the compressor at 75-80 psig and to turn the
compressor on (cut in) at 40-45 psig.
The pressure sensor controls the compressor through the control board.
5.11 Pressure Regulator
The Model 700 calibrator requires that its air source be stable and not subject to
compressor-induced pressure surges or pressure variations with flow. The pressure
regulator serves this function. It is set (except for specially modified units) at 30 psig at
the factory. Should adjustment be desired, the regulator is accessible on the front panel.
The adjustment knob has a push-pull locking ring which should be reengaged after
making an adjustment to prevent the knob from turning under vibration.
When used with the Teledyne API Model 700 Calibrator, the pressure should be
between 28 and 32 psig.
The M701 nominal delivery pressure is 30 psig. Only specially
modified units will require that the delivery pressure be set higher.
On these specially modified units never set the delivery pressure
higher than 55 psig. To do so may cause damage to the M701 and
injury to the operator.