
Introduction Model 6750
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 2
RS-232C and RS-485 outputs
Separate electronics and liquid compartments
1.2 Options
The following options are available for the Model 6750 TOC
Analyzer and are described in Appendix A.3:
Correlated BOD/COD
Dual NDIR Analyzers
Benchmark/Auto Validation
Automatic Multi-Range
Multi-Stream Analysis
DBPR Drinking Water
1.3 Typical Applications
With excellent TOC accuracy from low parts-per-million to high
concentration levels of salt-free samples, the Model 6750 is used in a
variety of applications including:
Boiler Feedwater
Standard Method 5310 C/D Cooling Water
EPA 415.1 Drinking Water
EPA 9060 Wastewater (limited)
ASTM D 4839-88 River Water
ASTM D 4779-88 Oil in Water
1.4 Intended Use of the Analyzer
The Analyzer is exclusively designed for monitoring of Total
Organic Carbon (TOC) in water. This intended use involves carefully
following the instructions provided in this manual and observing all
indicated warnings, hints and instructions.