6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 2 Installation/Preparation
2.8 Locking the Sampler The refrigerator is equipped with a lockable latch for the top
cover and a lockable catch for the door handle. To lock the refrig-
erator, use two padlocks, one for the top cover and one for the
2.9 Servicing the Sampler Servicing the sampler includes:
• Collecting the filled sample bottles and replacing them
with clean bottles;
• Collecting the data recorded by the sampler during the
Samplers are usually serviced after they complete a sampling
program. When working up a service schedule, you will need to
estimate the program completion time. You should also be
familiar with the program’s settings for the start time or if the
sampler is programmed for continuous sampling.
Continuous sampling is controlled by the distribution setting
entered at the “RUN CONTINUOUSLY?” screen. A “YES”
response directs the sampler to reset the distribution sequence
and continue the countdown to the next sample event. Appro-
priate service intervals will prevent overfilled bottles.