6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 3 Programming Introduction
Before programming the 6712FR, you should become familiar
with its keys and how to use the screens.
The 6712FR Sampler has two sets of programming modes. The
first mode, Standard Programming, lets you set up typical
sampling programs easily and efficiently. The second mode,
Extended Programming, lets you create sophisticated pro-
grams for complex sampling applications.
All of the sampling features available in standard programming
mode are available in extended programming mode. However,
extended programming provides many additional features.
Standard and extended programming features are explained in
separate sections. This section focuses on some basic features
that are common to both programming modes, such as using the
menus and setting the clock.
This sampler has a high performance pump. As with all such
pumps, it relies upon liquid to cool working components. If the
sampler is programmed to pump in the absence of liquid in
excess of 5 minutes, excessive heat buildup may damage the
paddles, rollers, and housing. Ensure that the liquid inlet is
completely immersed.
3.1 Initial Operation
Turn the sampler on by pressing the Standby key. It is labeled
with this icon: . The start-up screen appears first.
It remains on the display for about eight seconds or until you
press a key. It tells you the type of programming screens the
sampler is currently using — standard or extended — and gives
you a tip about the on-line help. The main menu screen, shown
below, appears next.
For HELP at any
screen press ? key.