Part III: 1-39
Oil in Water Part III
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
4. Replace any pump malfanctioning parts as necessary.
5. Replace any tubing which cannot be properly cleaned.
6. Check calibration. Review correlation results. Adjust span setting
as required. Make minor adjustments only. If serious discrepancies
are encountered, use an oscilloscope to check electronics.
7. Re-configure span flag if used (especially if automatic mode used).
1. Check electronics calibration.
2. Perform correlation checks.
3. Check UV source.
4. Check solenoid valves.
The system’s electronics are factory aligned. However, when the need
arises to touch up the circuitry, the following procedure is suggested.
1- Oscilloscope (dual trace preferred but not required).
To observe oscilloscope test points (see Detector Module Assembly Dwg.)
switch the vertical input selector of the scope to DC.
2-DVM (Digital Voltmeter)
The PC Board Extender is used whenever trimpot adjustments must be
made. Because all PC Board connectors are keyed to avoid wrong positioning
in the connectors, the key must be removed and later after testing, reinstalled
with long nose pliers. Turn power off during this operation.
7.1 Set up of the Signal Processing Front
End Amplifiers