P/N 06160D DCN6409 Teledyne API Model 465M O
Monitor Instruction Manual - Page 36
7.2.3. DIAG Menu
The DIAG menu (See Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3) contains functions that are useful for
testing and configuring external equipment that may be connected to the rear panel I/O of
the instrument. Analog Step-Test
When placed in this mode, the instrument will automatically step the analog output
through 5 points from 0 to 100 % and display the current value on the front panel. The
operator can suspend the automatic cycling and manually control the stepping by
pressing either one of the UP / DOWN arrow buttons. To resume automatic cycling, exit
the function by pressing CFG and re-enter by pressing ENT.
The 5 points will correspond to the following analog output values depending on whether
the output is configured for 0-5V or 4-20mA:
Table 7-3: Analog Step Test Values
Point 0-5V Output 4-20 mA Output
0% 0.00 V ± 0.02 4 mA ± 0.02
25% 1.25 V ± 0.02 8 mA ± 0.02
50% 2.50 V ± 0.02 12 mA ± 0.02
75% 3.75 V ± 0.02 16 mA ± 0.02
100% 5.00 V ± 0.02 20 mA ± 0.02
Press CFG to exit from the Analog Step-Test function. Signal I/O
The Signal I/O menu allows the operator to manually control the various relay outputs
and control inputs available on the rear panel of the M465M. This function is useful for
testing or debugging external control systems (i.e. dataloggers or PLC’s) to which the
instrument may be connected.
See Section 4.5 for additional details on making connections to these I/O signals on the
rear panel.
See Table 7-4 for additional details on entering the Signal I/O menu.