
1.8 Options
1.8.1 Stream Selector (3 or 6 Channel)
This option allows the M450 to measure ozone at up to six different sampling points by
using an internal stream selector. 3 or 6 channel stream selectors are available. This
option includes digital outputs for HI and HI-HI alarms and a channel ID for each
channel in the stream selector.
1.8.2 Sample Filter
This option consists of a 47mm diameter PTFE particulate filter inside the instrument. In
instruments with the stream selector option, this filter is placed immediately downstream
of the stream selector. The filter can be easily accessed through the front of the
instrument by folding down the hinged front panel. No tools are necessary to change the
filter element.
1.8.3 Flow Switch
This option is an on/off type flow switch that is used to send a signal to the CPU in case
the flow drops below the minimum required for proper operation of the instrument. In
case of flow failure, the instrument will issue a warning on the front panel and will turn
off the System OK relay, indicating an instrument error.
1.8.4 Isolated Current Output(4-20mA)
This option converts the M450’s voltage output to an isolated 4-20mA driver with an
integral loop power supply. When connecting to the current output, ensure that the
maximum voltage between the outputs and ground is 60V peak.
1.8.5 Rack mount with slides
This option, including slides and rack mounting ears, permits the Monitor to be mounted
in a standard 19" wide x 30" deep RETMA rack.
P/N 02395D1 Teledyne API Model 450 O
Monitor Instruction Manual - Page 29