Series 4060 Installation
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 37
Table 3-8: Commands via RS-232 Input
Command Description
AS<enter> Immediately starts an autospan.
AL<enter> Immediately revert to Analyze (CH4 Mode)
RL<enter> Change to Manual Range LOW
RM<enter> Change to Manual Range MEDIUM
RH<enter> Change to Manual Range HIGH
RA<enter> Change to Manual Range AUTO
Implementation: The RS-232 protocol allows some flexibility in its
implementation. Table 3-9 lists certain RS-232 values that are required
by the Model 4060 implementation.
Table 3-9: Required RS-232 Options
Parameter Setting
Baud 2400
Byte 8 bits
Parity none
Stop Bits 1
Message Interval Sent at the end of each cycle.
3.3.3 Gas Connections
The analyzer gas connection diagram identifies the various gas
connection points as to function and location. Figure 3-1 shows the gas
connection points for instruments fitted with the optional autocal