For trace analysis applications, a flowmeter should be installed in
the vent line but it should not incorporate any control valves or
restrictive devices.
2.3 Sensor Installation
The Model 3110's trace sensor requires that the instrument lines be
immediately purged with zero gas after installing the cell.
2.3.1 Installing a Trace Sensor
Prior to installing the trace sensor, make sure the analyzer is ready
to purge with zero gas. Connect the vent line to the analyzer then
connect the zero gas line to the sample in port. Set the zero gas flow rate
between 0.2 and 2.5 SCFH.
Prior to using any bottled gas for calibration or purge, it is good
practice to bleed the regulator and sample line to remove any traces of
trapped air. See Section 2.4.3 Bleeding the Regulator and Purging the
Gas Line.
Once the vent and zero gas lines are attached and the lines bleed,
proceed to install the trace sensor as follows:
1. Remove the cell holder cap from the bottom of the
2. Remove the outer packaging from the sensor.
3. Grab the shorting plug on the top of the sensor and pull it
free prior to removing the sensor from its packaging.
4. Remove the packaging and rapidly place the sensor on the
top of the cell holder cap with the concentric gold rings
facing up.
5. Screw the cell holder cap and sensor into the bottom of the
Note: Minimize the time the sensor is exposed to air.
6. Start the purge flow through the analyzer and purge
overnight before calibrating the unit.