2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 2 Preparation and Installation
Under no circumstances should you leave any extra length of
sensor cable dangling freely in the flow stream where it could
trap debris or become tangled.
Use gloves and eye protection when assembling and installing
the rings in a pipe. Though deburred, the edges of the stain-
less steel can cut if improperly handled. Please read the infor-
mation on how best to install this device.
Observe general safety procedures when entering any man-
hole. See “General Safety Procedures” in the back of the man-
ual for more information on general hazards and necessary
2.9 Final Installation
The system should be secured at the site. This prevents damage
caused by accidental falls and from being swept away if the
channel is flooded. In manholes, the module is often secured to a
ladder rung. Teledyne Isco’s Customer Service Department or
your local representative can assist you with installation options.
As you complete the installation, the following should be checked
before leaving the site unattended:
1. The module should be positioned where it will be protected
from submersion. Should the module become submerged,
level readings may drift and the hydrophobic filter will seal
to protect the reference air line.
To protect the 2150EX AV Flow module and sensor, the hydro-
phobic filter seals off the reference air line when it is exposed
to excessive moisture. When sealed, the filter prevents irrepa-
rable damage, yet may cause the level readings to drift. This
single-use filter must be replaced once it becomes sealed.
2. Make sure all of the protective caps are in place. An
unused upper communication connection must be capped
to prevent damage and terminate the communication line.
If the communication connector is in use, its cap should be
properly stowed. Like the module and sensor connections,
the protective caps and their O-rings should be cleaned
and coated with a silicone lubricant. Damaged O-rings
must be replaced (P/N 202-1006-69).
3. Carefully route cables. Protect them from traffic in the
area. Avoid leaving excess AV Sensor cable in the flow
stream where it may collect debris.
2.9.1 Program the Module After you have installed the AV Sensor in the flow stream, the
flow stream properties must be defined. To do this, connect to the
2150EX with Flowlink software and define the stream properties
in the 2150EX module’s program settings. These ensure that the
system correctly reads the liquid level and converts the mea-
sured level to flow rate.