Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Model 212R
IMPORTANT: The foam lining the interior of the analyzer is an
integral part of the environmental temperature
control system. Removal or destruction of this
lining will result in erratic instrument perfor-
2.2.1 Primary Power.
A source of single phase, 105 to 125 volt, 60 cycle power will be required
to operate the analyzer. The maximum power consumption of the analyzer is
500 watts.
NOTE: The analyzer is also available for 50 cycle operation
with special modifications and accessories.
Refer to the Interconnection Diagram in the drawing section of the manual
and connect the power and ground wiring as shown. Be sure to polarize the
power service connections as indicated. When connecting the wires, do not
leave an excessive amount of slack within the analyzer. Two vacuum tubes are
located just below the wiring area and the wiring should be installed to be well
clear of them.
2.2.2 Signal Output.
Connect a two conductor shielded cable between the analyzer and record-
ing equipment. Be sure to observe the proper polarity at both instruments.
Connect the shield of the cable on the indicated terminal at the analyzer only, and
cut back and insulate the shield at the recorder.
NOTE: Connecting the shield at both ends of a cable when
dealing with low level circuits can create a ground
loop between two instruments. Improperly installed
shielding can produce more noise in a low level circuit
than no shielding at all.
2.2.3 Regulating Transformer.