2102 Wireless Communication Module
Section 2 Introduction
2.1 Product Description The 2102 Wireless Communication Module is part of Teledyne
Teledyne Isco’s 2100 Series system. The 2100 Series system mea-
sures parameters of open channel flow streams.
The 2100 Series system is designed to be modular so that you can
expand the system to meet your data collection needs. By
stacking the 2100 Series modules, a single site can measure mul-
tiple flow channels, collect redundant data, or add other
available measurement capabilities. A site can include remote
measurement points, as distant as 3300 feet, by connecting
modules with cables. Even with several remote modules con-
figured as a site, you can still retrieve all of the measurement
data from a single connection.
The 2100 Series System is supported by Teledyne Teledyne Isco’s
Flowlink for Windows software. With this full-featured appli-
cation, you can quickly set up modules, retrieve measurement
data, manage the sites and analyze the data.
The rugged 2100 series components are rated NEMA 4X, 6P
(IP68). The permanently sealed enclosures are designed to meet
the environmental demands of many sewer flow monitoring
applications. All connections between modules, sensors, and com-
munication cables “lock” in place. Each locking mechanism
strongly secures the components and ensures a watertight seal.
2.1.1 Wireless Module
The 2102 Modules extend the flexibility of the 2100 system. No
longer is flow stream monitoring limited to hard-wired connec-
tions or dependent on telephone service. Wireless Modules sim-
plify site selection and data collection.
• No need to open manhole
• safety and comfort
• Teledyne Isco 2102 Wireless Module stacks with 21xx
Area-Velocity Flow Modules
• Powerful Spread Spectrum Digital radio retrieves flow
data without manhole entry
• Two-way communication from your vehicle
A 3-module site