
Teledyne API - Model 200EH/EM Operation Manual M200EH/EM Documentation
Thank you for purchasing the Model 200EH/EM Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer!
The documentation (part number 04521) for this instrument is available in several different formats:
Printed format, or;
Electronic format on a CD-ROM.
The electronic manual is in Adobe
Systems Inc. “Portable Document Format” (PDF). The Adobe
software, which is necessary to view these files, can be downloaded for free from the internet at
The electronic version of the manu
al has many advantages:
Keyword and phrase search feature
Figures, tables and internet addresses are linked so that clicking on the item will display the associated
feature or open the website.
A list of chapters and sections as well as thumbnails of each page are displayed to the left of the text.
Entries in the table of contents are linked to the corresponding locations in the manual.
Ability to print sections (or all) of the manual
Additional documentation for the Model 200EH/EM Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer is available from Teledyne
Instruments’ website at http://www.teledyne-api.com/manuals/
APICOM software manual, part number 03945
Multi-drop manual, part number 02179
DAS manual, part number 02837.
This manual has the following data structures:
1.0 Table of Contents:
Outlines the contents of the manual in the order the information is presented. This is a good overview of the
topics covered in the manual. There is also a list of appendices, figures and tables. In the electronic version of
the manual, clicking on a any of these table entries automatically views that section.
2.0 Specifications and Warranty
A list of the analyzer’s performance specifications, a description of the conditions and configuration under which
EPA equivalency was approved and Teledyne Instruments’ warranty statement.
3.0 Getting Started
Concise instructions for setting up, installing and running your analyzer for the first time.
4.0 FAQ & Glossary:
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about operating the analyzer and a glossary of acronyms and
technical terms.
5.0 Optional Hardware & Software
A description of optional equipment to add functionality to your analyzer.
04521C (DCN5731)