Teledyne API Model 200AU NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02293, Rev. F
5-17 Data Channels
The function of the Data Channels is to store, report, and view data from the analyzer. The data
may consist of NO, NO
, NO
concentration, or may be diagnostic data, such as the sample flow
or reaction cell pressure.
The M200AU comes pre-programmed with a set of useful Data Channels for logging
concentration and predictive diagnostic data. The default Data Channels can be used as they are,
or they can be changed by the user to fit a specific application. They can also be deleted to make
room for custom user-programmed Data Channels.
The data in the default Data Channels can be viewed through the SETUP-DAS-VIEW menu.
Use the PREV and NEXT buttons to scroll through the Data Channels and press VIEW to view
the data. The last record in the Data Channel is shown. Pressing PREV and NEXT will scroll
through the records one at a time. Pressing NX10 and PV10 will move forward or backward 10
records. For Data Channels that log more than one parameter, such as PNUMTC, buttons labeled
<PRM and PRM> will appear. These buttons are used to scroll through the parameters located
in each record.