
page 6 Model 2002
1.3 Model 2002 Control Unit
The Model 2002 control unit consists of the power supply, Pirani resistance bridge control, signal
processing and display circuitry. The user interface consists of a flat panel display with smooth operat-
ing tactile switches and large green LED digits (0.56"/14.2mm). The pressure is displayed in scientific
format using a 3 digit mantissa and a 1 digit (plus the sign) exponent. The pressure can be displayed in
Torr, mbar or Pascal. The instrument comes standard with 2 alarm setpoints that have TTL level
digital outputs. An optional dual relay board can be internally mounted to trip on the alarm setpoints
to turn on/off various equipment such as pumps, valves, heaters, bakeout ovens and safety equipment.
An optional 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output board is also available. The Model 2002 instrument
accepts an external TTL level "Remote Zero" to zero the instrument when another instrument (e.g. an
ion gauge) indicates that the pressure is less than 1x10
Torr. The standard analog output is linear per
decade directly corresponding to the control unit’s display. The Model 2002 comes calibrated for
nitrogen. Conversion factors for other gases are selectable by the user (see section 3.5). This direct
readout display allows for flexibility in user system configurations which operate with various gases.
An optional serial interface board can be installed to provide RS232 or RS485 support. The Model
2002 control unit fits a standard DIN 43700 insert (1/4 DIN) and mounts into a 3.62 in. (92 mm)
square hole. The case is constructed of NORYL rated UL-94-V1 (self-extinguishing plastic) and is
equipped with mounting brackets that are adjustable up to 3/16” (4.8mm).
1.4 Specifications
Measuring range ................................................................................................ 1x10
to 10
To r r
to 1.3x10
Accuracy (N
, T=23
C) .................................................. + 15% of reading (5x10
to 3x10
To r r )
+ 1.5% of reading (3x10
to 1x10
To r r )
Ambient temperature operating range............................................................................. 0
to 50
Bakeout temperature (with transducer electronics removed)................................................ 250
Analog output ................................................................ 1.0-4.5 Volts (0.5 VDC linear per decade)
Process control ................................................................ 2 TTL outputs (1 TTL auto zero input)
Digital readout................................................................ Four green LED - resolution is three digit
(plus exponent)
Equipment operating range ............................................................... 120/240 V~, 0.25A, 50/60 Hz
A 6 ft., 3-wire power cord is provided with each unit.
Fuse .............................................................................................................................. 250 V, 1/4 A.
Transducer mounting ................................................................ Any position without recalibration.
Transducer internal volume .................................................................................................. <1.5cc
Wetted material ........................................................................................ Au, Si
, Si, Pt, Pyrex
and 316 stainless steel
Stability with voltage ....................................................................Variation in reading undetectable
as power fluctuates within power specification.
Weight (display, cable, and sensor) ............................................... Net: 2.5 lbs., Shipping: 3.4 lbs.
Transducer response time .................................................. Typically, less than 150 msec for a step
change from 10
Torr to 10
To r r .
Positive pressure ................................................................150 psig, Recalibration may be required
if unit is exposed to pressures greatly exceeding measuring range.