149-072011 Model 2002 Vacuum Gauge Page 23 of 38
6. Communications Option Board
Both RS-232 and RS-485 communication interface boards are available as an option for the Model 2002.
The communication option boards allow data to be output to a host computer with the appropriate interface.
Connection to the RS-232 or RS-485 communication interface boards are via a 9 pin D-subminiature female
6.1. RS-232-E Interface Specifications
Format.................................................... EIA standard RS-232-E, full-duplex, no handshaking, asynchronous
Data Rate ...........................................................................................................................................9600 baud
Character Length .........................................................................................................................Eight data bits
Parity ....................................................................................................................................................No parity
Stop bits .......................................................................................................................................... One stop bit
A common application of the RS232 version of the HPM-2002, is to connect the pressure gauge directly to
the serial port of a PC. This is done by first wiring a communication cable in the manner shown below.
2 TX Transmit Data Transmits data within RS-232-E voltage levels
3 RX Receive Data Accepts data within RS-232-E voltage levels
5 SG Signal Ground
Establishes the common ground reference
potential for all interchange circuits
Communicating via RS-232-e
4CTSClear to Send
Host computer ready to accept data.
(Reserved for future use, no t implem ented
by present software.
8RDY Ready
Ready to receive data (always high,
not implemented by present software).