Remote Operation and Advanced Features Teledyne API M100E Analyzer Operation Manual
The signals from these two connectors are routed from the motherboard via a wiring harness to two 10-pin
connectors on the CPU card, J11 (RS-232) and J12 (COM2).
Figure 7-4: CPU Connector Pin-Outs for RS-232 and COM2 in RS-232 Mode
Teledyne API offers two mating cables, one of which should be applicable for your use.
Part number WR000077, a DB-9 female to DB-9 female cable, 6 feet long. Allows connection of RS-232
with the serial port of most personal computers. Also available as OPT 60A (refer to Section 5.8.1).
Part numbe
r WR000024, a DB-9 female to DB-25 male cable. Allows connection to the most common
styles of modems (e.g. Hayes-compatible) and code activated switches.
Both cables are configured with straight-through wiring and should require no additional adapters.
To assist in properly connecting the serial ports to either a computer or a modem, there are activity indicators
just above the RS-232 port. Once a cable is connected between the analyzer and a computer or modem, both
the red and green LEDs should be on. If the lights for RS-232 are not lit, use small switch on the rear panel to
switch it between DTE and DCE modes (refer to Section 7.1.5). If both LEDs are still not illuminated, check
e for proper wiring.
The two LEDs located over COM2 are currently deactivated. If you have problems getting COM2 to activate, it
may be necessary to install a null-modem cable (contact customer service for information).
Note: RS-485 is not configurable if your analyzer is equipped with the Ethernet option.
As delivered from the factory, COM2 is configured for RS-232 communications. This port can be re-configured
for operation as a non-isolated, half-duplex RS-485 port capable of supporting up to 32 instruments with a
maximum distance between the host and the furthest instrument being 4000 feet. If you require full-duplex or
isolated operation, please contact Teledyne API’s Customer Service.