Teledyne API Model 100AH SO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02417, Rev. D
Table 10-1: Test Functions (Continued)
Test Function Factory Set-Up Comment
200 mV
This is the reading of the UV reference detector without the
UV lamp. When the is momentarily turned off, UV detector
signal is the dark current of the detector itself. The dark
current is monitored and compensated for any UV detector
dark current drift or offset.
High dark UV detector could be caused by:
1. Lamp not turning off completely.
2. High electronic offset.
The slope can be thought as a gain term which determines the
steepness of the calibration curve.
M100AH will operate normally even the slope is out of range,
however it is preferred within the range for optimum
operation of the analyzer.
Slope out of range could be due to:
1. Analog gain pot needs adjustment (see Section 10.1.6).
2. Poor calibration quality (see Section 8.7).
OFFSET <50 mV This is essentially identical to the stray light except it is
expressed in mV.
High offset could be due to:
1. Light leak.
2. Aging UV filter.
3. Contaminated reaction cell.
4. Pneumatic leak.
5. Poor calibration quality.
HVPS 400 - 900 V This represents the scaled-up HVPS programming voltage to
the HVPS. The design of the HVPS precludes taking a single
reading that indicates the health of the supply. Refer to the
HVPS Troubleshooting Section 10.3.9 for a procedure for
testing the HVPS. This TEST function is used primarily to set
the HVPS voltage value and the reading should be very stable
and constant. A value not in the 400 to 900 volt range
indicates problems with the HVPS supply.
(table continued)