
Appendix C: Examples
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
H Enable VXI TTL trigger 3.
WRITE output:ttltrg3:State on
H Assign a close dwell time of 0.25 seconds to each of the VX4380 Modules.
WRITE close:dwell m1,0.25; dwell m2,0.25; dwell
Note that this command is equivalent to the following three commands.
WRITE close:dwell m1,0.25
WRITE close:dwell m2,0.25
WRITE close:dwell m3,0.25
H Open all relays on the first and second VX4380 Modules.
WRITE open:all matrix_1; all matrix_2
H Close the relays that join row 1 to columns 10 through 16 in section 3 of the
first VX4380, the relays that join row 3 to columns 1 and 2 in section 2 of
the second VX4380, and the relays that join rows 1 through 4 to column 6 in
section 2 of the third VX4380. After closing these relays, wait 0.25 seconds
then pulse VXI TTL trigger 3 low for 3
WRITE close (@matrix_1(1!10!3:1!16!3),
matrix_2(3!1!2,3!2!2), matrix_3(1!6!2:4!6!2))
H Query the close state of the relays in section 2 of the first VX4380.
WRITE close? (@matrix_1(1!1!2:4!16!2))
READ 000000000000000000000000
000 000001100000000000000000
000 0000000000
H The close states are returned in the same order in which they are specified in
the close query. In this example the specified order is:
1!1!2,1!2!2,1!3!2, ..., 1!16!2
2!1!2,2!2!2,2!3!2, ..., 2!16!2
3!1!2,3!2!2,3!3!2, ..., 3!16!2
4!1!2,4!2!2,4!3!2, ..., 4!16!2
Note that this query is equivalent to the following close query:
close? (@matrix_1(65:128))